Oi, Tucunare Amantes! Ben vindo de novo to the Agua Boa Amazon Lodge Fishing Report. Another week has come and gone and excellent fishing continues despite the lack of rain. Low, clear water and bright cloudless skies made conditions optimal for sight-fishing, and last week’s guests took full advantage of the opportunity. Even though the skinny water definitely makes for more spooky fish, everyone last week enjoyed a favorable reward-to-challenge ratio. Line burns and bent rods all around!

Here are a couple of the best rewards of the week: Brookings Anglers Trip Leader and confirmed tucunare addict, Matt Canter, with a beautiful upriver Acu and Smoky Mountains brook trout aficionado, Leland Eaton, and his 18-pound bruiser held proudly by guide, Caboclo.
Last week’s group was led by Brookings Anglers Fly Shop’s Matt Canter on his third annual visit to the Equatorial Rainforest. Matt will readily tell you that this is his favorite fishing trip of the year, and his infectious enthusiasm for this place always leads to full weeks of happy anglers ready to join him on the adventure. Matt is also a very skilled photographer with a keen eye for unique perspectives on our fishery and facilities. Here is a sampling of just a few of Matt’s cool takes on the scene. Keep up the great work, Matt! And thanks again for bringing along another great group of guests. See you next year!

Technical Tip:
Nearing the end of our season, we are fortunate to enjoy arguably the best sight fishing for trophy peacock bass available anywhere. But as mentioned above, low clear water can lead to skittish fish. Cruising fish in shallow water are easily spooked by overhead false casts, and a great opportunity can be wasted before your fly even hits the water. An effective strategy is to keep your forward false cast well short of the target, and lengthen your cast on the backcast instead. Letting line slip through your fingers as your backcast unfurls is also a great way to get a well-loaded stroke on your forward presentation cast. Practice this little move at the park or at the pool before you come down. It just might make the difference when that first trophy Acu glides into range.

Thanks as always for checking in with the Agua Boa Amazon Lodge Fishing Report. We look forward to seeing you at the lodge!