On: March 2, 2020 In: Fishing Reports

The green lawns in front of our lodge slowly fade to brown as the dry weather continues. However, a slight breeze blowing during the day still keeps things very comfortable for us and our guests.

When we look at the gleaming surface of our beautiful river everything seems calm and wonderful.

But as the fly gently descends onto the surface, and starts its merry dance, suddenly another world shows itself. The river miraculously erupts into life as our two worlds collide. Fish and man commence battle as time stands still…

The fish that dwell in our river and move so smoothly through its waters do not give themselves up without a real fight…

The group that has been here this week discovered all this magic on each day of fishing.

Matt Canter from Brookings Anglers, has once again brought us some very interesting people. We have thoroughly enjoyed their company and look forward to meeting again next year.

But at this point of the narrative, our readers must be wondering… “and the fishing? How was it???

Again, a response we have given each week:

The fishing was extraordinary, both in numbers and size….and, not to be repetitive…the fishing was what it should be, and a little more… plenty of double digit peacocks and a large number of different fish species came to our flies.

As sometimes happens, the Arapaima won this week… a couple hooked but none in the boat.

And as for the animals that co-exist in the habitat that surrounds us, again they were generous with their appearances; two jaguars, monkeys, capivaras, deer and a huge number of bird species, delighted our fishermen friends and lovers of nature.

Here at the Água Boa lodge, we offer the complete experience,and sometimes, with the cooperation of Mother Nature, we go a little beyond …

Another week has now started, and we will save a few words and inspiration to describe it,

Until next week…

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