On: March 1, 2024 In: Fishing Reports

Welcome friends of the Água Boa

One of the most pleasant aspects of this week was undoubtedly the extreme sense of humor of the entire group.
Nothing better than great conversations and endless laughter.

But, it couldn’t be any different, since the person who brought this group is one of the most competent and funniest people I know, not to mention his big and genuine smile.
I speak of John Herzer, the incomparable…

The week was hot, but a torrential rain visited us for a few hours and what was brown grass suddenly turned green. The level of the river rose 20 cm after, but it has already lowered about 15 cm till now.

This rain shook things and made the fish a little more aggressive and less lethargic. We’ll see how it will look after, but we expect more action in our aquatic world.

Numbers and sizes were good this week, as well as the diversity of species.
Many fish between 10 and 15 lbs,and a fair number above.

John Herzer received a gift from the river Gods and captured 3 extraordinary Arapaima,2 specimens between 60 and 70 lbs,and an amazing 180 lbs ,we hope he doesn’t get spoiled…

Thank you: “Frank,Ben,John,Delia,Tim,Bill, Mike,Schwartz,Jim,Chris,Paul,
for a memorable week.

See you next week

Your Água Boa Team

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