On: December 17, 2023 In: Fishing Reports

Welcome friends of the Água Boa 

Successively, the days leave their history documented in photos, videos and memories.

And so time passes here at Água Boa, always the same,or very similar, but yet also different…

A collection of experiences, of multifaceted feelings, but above all smiles of satisfaction.

Another group of fishermen made their presence among us. Many flies were cast into the water, and many fish attacked these flies, but the most important thing is that most of these fish ended up providing unique moments for our fishermen.

“By this we mean this was another week which met the Água Boa’s very high standards.”

The water level remains rather low, but is also stable and still very productive.

This allows you to walk along the golden sand beaches, fishing rod in hand and eyes fixed on the clear waters waiting for that fish to cross, so that the challenge begins…

These moments are unforgettable, there is nothing like a fisherman’s mind that accepts a challenge and does its best to achieve it.

Sometimes the challenge is overcome, other times there is only the feeling of having done  the best to make it happen.

Finally, another group leaves Água Boa, with a smile, and many memories, but above all, aware and proud of the experiences that the week has offered them.

Oh yes…The fishing was fantastic as always!!!

Congratulations to Connie for  your 20 pounder!! to Kevin for your 19 pounderand to Mark for the 18 pounder…and congratulations Sam for the beatiful Arapaima… the the list could go on and on…

Your Água Boa Team

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