What we can add from our last post, nothing really has changed, except the rain that visited us during several days of this week.
The fishing remains excellent and the river continues to reveal its lush beaches to those who wish to wade.
For the first time, we received a client from Bermuda! Kevin really liked the variety and opportunities that the Água Boa offered him, comparing very positively with his other fly-fishing experiences both near and far!
In one single spectacularly memorable day, Kevin hooked and landed 3 Pirarucu, our very own resident giant arapaima! Each time he sighted the fish before launching the fly! How can it ever get better than that….? Sight-casting nirvana!
What can we say again about the Tucunaré fishing? Except that our peacock bass continues to satisfy the desires of our guests.
Kevin has also experienced the difference between fishing in the clear waters of the Água Boa, and in other rivers of the Amazon, where he has fished for peacock bass in dark water without any opportunity to see the fish before casting.
In his own words “Nothing compares to the sight-fishing Água Boa offers”.
Thank you Kevin!
The river continues to be very lively, showing its extraordinary variety every day to the fishermen who visit us and share with us their stories and experiences …
The rain that refreshed us during a few days of last week also left the ‘no-see-ums’ (tiny airborne biting insects) more active… May we, therefore, remind our next guests to bring lots of insect repellent, those little critters can be bad…
See you next week!!