On: November 13, 2023 In: Fishing Reports

Welcome friends of the Água Boa   Another week comes to an end, and with it the feeling of...

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On: November 6, 2023 In: Fishing Reports

Welcome friends of the Água Boa   This week, South Africa arrived with all its strength at Água Boa....

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On: October 30, 2023 In: Fishing Reports

Welcome friends of the Agua Boa   And so quickly, the first week of our season came to an...

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On: October 25, 2023 In: Fishing Reports

Welcome friends of the  Agua Boa.   The 2023/24 season has begun, and, although the accommodation  has  undergone some major changes for the...

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On: March 7, 2022 In: Fishing Reports

Dear peacock fans Days have passed into weeks and, as we now look back across all of the last...

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On: February 27, 2022 In: Fishing Reports

Dear Peacock fans Words are small and insufficient to describe another magnificent week. Despite the clouds that covered the...

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On: February 21, 2022 In: Fishing Reports

Dear Peacock fans Nature is extraordinary, and no matter how accustomed we are with it, it always surprises us....

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On: February 14, 2022 In: Fishing Reports

Dear peacock fans How good it is to see friends that the pandemic somehow prevented from visiting us. This...

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On: February 5, 2022 In: Fishing Reports

Dear Peacock fans Not wishing to be repetitive, (but we will be… !) Another week is behind us, and...

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On: January 29, 2022 In: Fishing Reports

Dear Peacock fans As regularly as the sun that rises and sets each day, our fishermen friends each week...

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